

Duration: 1 h 50 min
Sofia Coppola / ZDA, Italia / 2023 / 110 min / english

The year is 1959. 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu lives with her family at the American military base in Wiesbaden. One day he receives an invitation to Elvis Presley's party, who is serving his military service in Germany...

Sofia Coppola (Marie Antoinette, Lost in Translation) reveals the other side of the American myth about the king of rock'n'roll in a gentle, tender story about a girl's longing, growing up in a fairy tale and finding her own path in life. The film is based on Priscilla Presley's book Elvis and Me. The extraordinary Cailee Spaeny earned the Venice Lion for Best Actress for her role as Priscilla.

I was moved by Priscilla Presley's memories of her years as a young woman at Graceland. I tried to capture her feelings when she entered Elvis' world and later left it to find her own way. As an artist, I think it's important to show the world through the eyes of my characters, without judgement. I have always been interested in themes of identity, experience and transformation. The film explores how Priscilla finds herself, as well as what it means to be a woman for her and for generations to come. On her way to adulthood, she experienced the things that all growing up girls experience, but she faced them in extremely unusual circumstances. Her story is unique, but at the same time we can all recognize ourselves in it. /…/ Priscilla was mostly seen in the tabloid world as 'Elvis' child bride', but I thought I could tell a much more interesting story: about a girl's wish that came true, but not in the way she imagined; about growing up in incredible fame, but also terrible loneliness; about how people learn to live in bubbles while simultaneously feeling the need to burst them; about the strength it took for Priscilla to realize that she had to leave Elvis, even though she loved him.

Sofia Coppola

The tenderly heartbreaking film unfolds like a long, loving goodbye letter written in carefully crafted cursive on scented paper and sealed with a virtuous, rose-tinted kiss.

Jessica Kiang, Sight and Sound

Distribution: Fivia

Minoriti Open Air Cinema • Organization and production Puppet theater Maribor, Minoriti cultural quarter, Society for the development of film culture • The program is supported by the Municipality of Maribor • Sponsors Kefirko, Moji kvadrati, Casino Admiral, Europlakat, Petrol, Mariborske lekarne

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor