Holy Spider
"Holy Spider" is a crime thriller directed by Ali Abbasi about the Iranian Jack the Ripper,
a serial killer who "cleanses" the world of sinners in the holy city of Mashhad, but the police and society are rooting for him.
The opening shots of this Iranian thriller make it clear to the viewer what kind of film
it is; dark ambient music is eerily complemented by morbid images of the dirty, neon-lit streets of the Iranian city of Mashhad, where at night the prostitutes are preyed upon by the Spider-Murderer, the real-life butcher Saeed Hanei.
It is therefore not surprising that the film is radical, brutal and gritty, but in today's age of misogyny, oppression and ignoring of underprivileged people, the almost perverse glorification of serial killers, it is at the same time a very important and hard-hitting film that cannot be overheard or ignored.
The film will be screened on the 20th of November 2022 at 19:00 in the Great Hall.