

Duration: 1H 30 MIN
concert by the student groups of the Študent Academic Folklore Group

60 years of creation. More than 100 active dancers, singers, musicians. More than 50 choreographies. More than 100 costumes. Tours on all continents of the world. Six events for 60 years.

The beginnings of the Academic Folklore Group Študent date back to 1964. It is one of the largest and highest quality groups in Slovenia, as evidenced by the numerous awards it has received at performances at home and at festivals abroad. These include the Golden Plaque of the Maribor Association of Cultural Organisations and the Golden Marolt Plaque for Folklore Activity, the highest award for folklore activity in Slovenia.

The members of the Academic Folklore Group Študent organised the first international folklore festival Folkart in Maribor, which later developed into the Lent festival. The group has been a major contributor to cultural events in the city throughout the years of its existence, and has been particularly important in the development of student culture. The Academic Folklore Group Študent consists of 6 dance groups, a children's group, a youth group, 3 student groups and a veteran group, as well as a musical ensemble. The programme includes dance, song and music from all regions of Slovenia, including Slovenians abroad.

In the jubilee year, the group has prepared a varied programme of events. It has summarised its activities in six full-length events under the title "This is us". A fashion show of the rich costume collection was followed by a concert by a musical ensemble, then a veterans' group and children's and youth groups. The last evening was dedicated to the creation of student groups. The group has three student dance groups with more than 50 dancers and singers. They will present a wide range of choreographies from several Slovenian regions.

Opening hours
The LGM Box Office is open every Tuesday to Friday between 9 am and 1 pm, each Friday between 4 pm and 6 pm, each Saturday between 9 am and 1 pm and one hour before each event.
Where are we
Vojašniški trg 2, 2000 Maribor